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Gen 3 Pokemon - Walk through walls patcher
This application is compatible with any GBA version of Pokemon. It basically hard-patches the game to always ignore collision data. Modifications done to a ROM can easily be reversed in the program as well.
Pokemon Leaf Green - Walk/Jump everywhere
This patch allows the player to walk through walls by holding down the R button. It also allows the player to jump over everything by holding down the L button. Contrary to the old Action Replay codes for walking through walls, this patch lets you pass over objects and NPCs as well as a maps boundaries. Please keep in mind that going out of bounds and then passing over a map connection can glitch the game with the player getting stuck in an endless void. This patch is mainly meant for use on flash cartridges where running Action Replay/Game Shark cheats is not possible. Further informations about the ROM to patch the IPS file to are contained in the archive.
Super Mario Advance 4 - All Items
This little modification replaces the ingame item inventory with a static item list which allows you to use any item (also e-reader exclusive ones) as many times as you want. Further informations about the ROM to patch the IPS file to are contained in the archive.
Pokemon G/S/C - RTC Changer patches
Contains patches for Gold, Silver and Crystal These allow the player to change the real-time clock while in the Pokegear's clock menu. Simply press up to advance and down to turn back the time. Holding the A button allows you to change it faster. Further informations about the ROMs to patch the IPS files to are contained in the archive.
Pokemon Crystal - Walk through walls patch
This patch allows the player to walk through walls by pressing/holding down the B button. This is a better way to walk through walls than via gameshark since you'd always have to disable the walk through walls code to leave buildings to the south. The game would crash otherwise because you'd walk into the void. Also helpful for users playing the game on a flashcart. Further informations about ROM to patch the IPS file to are contained in the archive.
Pokemon R/B - Walk through walls patch
This patch allows the player to run and walk through walls while the B button is held down. On top of that, it also tries to replicate the anti-crash measure that the Spaceworld 97 demos use for their debug-mode walk through walls code. When entering the void, which would normally crash the game, the player will simply get thrown back into the map. The hashes of ROMs to patch to are listed in the readme for each patch in the zip archive.
Monster Party - Famicom prototype translation into English
This patch translates the japanese prototype of Monster Party called "Parody World: Monster Party" into english. One additional feature is that an unused boss in Round 7 is now restored and can be fought. Further informations about the ROM to patch the IPS file to are contained in the archive.
Analogue Nt Mini/Super Nt Pattern Creator
This application allows one to easily create .pat files to make custom LED animations for use on your Analogue Nt Mini or Super Nt. -Drag and drop to change order -Double mouse left click to edit color of an entry -Double mouse right click to delete an entry -Middle mouse click to edit frame count of an entry -Ctrl+C while holding down the left mouse button on an entry to copy entry -Ctrl+Shift+C while holding down the left mouse button on an entry to add entry to list of copied entries -Ctrl+V to paste copied entry/ list of copied entries The archive also contains a folder with a couple of my own example patterns.
This is a Minesweeper game that i've created ages ago. It started with me trying to make it as accurate as Microsoft's Windows XP version of the game but I have deviated in some smaller and bigger cases. I've now picked it back up again to finally finished it. Cleaned up a lot of code, implemented chording and implemented an internal field solver to check if fields are solvable. The field solver might not be able to find solvable fields in reasonable time with bigger amounts of mines though (There is a timeout). Some fun stuff that I used for debugging when making this has been kept in and you can even use images to load mine fields from. An example is shown in the image to the left. Rules for images: -Maximum size of 60x50 pixels -Everything that isn't white (255, 255, 255) is a mine
Java Tetris
A simple implementation of Tetris made in Java. Comes with Game Boy sound effects, per-level changing background color and per-level faster Korobeiniki Press P to pause during gameplay and Escape while paused to start a new game. Press M any time to mute/unmute the game Try entering "tetris" backwards or "rainbow" on the game over screen